Corporate 治理 Guidelines



董事会制定的公司治理指引提供了一个结构,在这个结构中,我们的董事和管理层可以有效地为公司利益而工作, its shareholders and other constituencies. 审计委员会打算将这些准则作为一个灵活的框架,供审计委员会和管理部门在其中开展工作, not as a set of binding legal obligations. These guidelines should be interpreted in the context of all applicable laws, the Company’s charter documents and other governing legal documents and policies. The 董事会 regularly reviews these guidelines, 并可在任何时候由董事会自行决定对其进行修订或修改.


I. Director Qualification Standards

提名和公司治理委员会为选择董事会新成员制定标准. The Board as a whole should reflect a range of skills, knowledge and experience in areas of importance to the Company. The Board desires a diverse membership, including with respect to race, 性别, 国籍和种族,专业背景,地域和行业经验. 董事必须致力于维护个人和职业操守的最高标准,并代表所有股东的利益, not particular shareholder constituencies. 提名和公司治理委员会对董事的任期没有具体限制, 但年满75岁的董事不得开始其董事会任期,除非董事会认定该等董事开始其董事会任期符合公司的最佳利益. 根据纽约证券交易所(New York 股票 Exchange)的上市标准,多数董事必须是“独立的”. 除非董事会确定该董事与公司没有重大关系(无论是直接关系还是合伙人关系),否则该董事不具备“独立”董事的资格, 与本公司有关系的组织的股东或管理人员). In determining whether a director is independent, the Board will broadly consider all relevant facts and circumstances. 按照上述规定被认定为独立董事的董事,在本指引中被视为“独立董事”.


II. Director Responsibility 

董事的首要责任是通过真诚地行使其商业判断,并按照他们合理认为符合公司及其股东和其他选民的最佳长期利益行事,从而指导公司的业务和事务管理. 董事 are expected to review Board meeting materials in advance, 定期出席董事会会议,并出席公司年度股东大会. The Board is also responsible for performing certain specific functions, including: selecting, evaluating and approving the compensation of the officers of the Company and planning for senior management succession; reviewing, approving and monitoring significant corporate actions and strategic plans; reviewing assessments of, and measures to address and mitigate, significant risks and issues facing the Company; and ensuring that processes are in place to protect the integrity of the Company, 包括遵守法律和公司的公司治理政策.


3. 董事会委员会 

在任何时候, the Board will have an Audit Committee, a Compensation Committee and a Nominating and Corporate 治理 Committee. 每个委员会应仅由符合纽约证券交易所为各自委员会服务制定的标准的独立董事组成. 这些委员会的主要职责在各自的章程中有所规定. 董事会可以, 不时地, 设立或维持它认为适当的其他委员会.


IV. Director Access to Management and Independent Advisors 

董事 shall have full access to management and employees of the Company. 董事会及其各委员会有权与它们认为适当的独立顾问协商.


V. Executive Sessions of Independent 董事 

公司的独立董事应定期在没有管理层参与的定期执行会议上开会. The Independent Lead Director shall preside at such meetings.


VI. Director Compensation 

薪酬委员会将就董事薪酬进行审查,并向董事会提出建议. 在一般情况下, 薪酬将包括使董事的利益与股东的长期利益保持一致的股权和对董事服务的现金补偿.


7. Independent Director 股票 Ownership 

After five years of service on the Board, 独立董事应持有公司普通股,其市值至少为现金基础年度董事费的五倍. 所有权可以直接或间接持有,也可以包括配偶或子女持有的股份.


8. Senior Management 股票 Ownership 

首席执行官应持有相当于其年薪六倍的公司普通股, 其他高级管理人员预计将持有相当于其年薪三倍的普通股. 受此指引约束的个人必须保留因行使期权而获得的税后普通股数量的50%, 限制性股份的归属或递延股票的发行,直到该要求得到满足(应理解,该保留义务可通过保留个人持有的任何公司股份来履行). 所有权可以直接或间接持有,也可以包括配偶或子女持有的股份.


IX. Senior Management 股票 Holding Period 



X. Prohibition of Hedging and Pledging 

董事, as well as executive officers and other insiders, may not engage in hedging transactions with respect to Company securities, 不得将公司证券质押为贷款抵押品或以其他方式使用公司证券担保债务(e).g. to secure a margin loan).


XI. Director Orientation and Continuing Education 

All new directors shall be provided an orientation program, including presentations by senior management on the Company’s accounting policies, financial reporting, strategic plans and key issues, policies and practices. 鼓励董事参加继续教育项目,以更好地履行职责.


十二世. Director Service on Other Public Boards 

Except as otherwise approved by the Board, 除公司董事会外,董事不得在三个以上的公众公司董事会任职.


十三世. Management Succession 



十四. Annual Performance Evaluation of the Board 

联委会将至少每年进行一次自我评价,以确定联委会及其各委员会是否有效运作. 提名和公司治理委员会将监督这种评估,并每年向董事会报告.


XV. 道德行为 

董事, as well as officers and employees, 遵守公司商业行为和道德准则所规定的政策.


十六世. Related Person Transactions 

董事会认识到,涉及本公司及相关人士的交易存在潜在或实际利益冲突的较高风险,这些利益冲突可能干扰-甚至似乎干扰-本公司的利益. 因此, 提名和公司治理委员会审查所有交易是公司的政策, before such transactions are entered into, 如果可能的话, 根据美国证券交易委员会颁布的有关关联人交易的适用规则和条例,公司需要报告与关联人的交易, and approve or ratify such transactions where appropriate.


第十七章. Communications with 董事 

股东及其他利益相关方可通过致函公司地址的独立首席董事与董事会沟通. 如果该等通信涉及实质性事项并包含信息,独立首席董事应将该等通信转发给所有董事, suggestions or comments that the Independent Lead Director, with the assistance of the Corporate Secretary, deems appropriate for consideration by the full Board.


十八. 分享holder Rights Plan Policy 

The Company will submit the adoption of any shareholder rights plan to a shareholder vote before it acts to adopt a rights plan; provided, 然而, 董事会可自行采取行动通过股东权利计划,而无需事先将该行动提交股东投票, including a majority of the independent directors thereof, in the exercise of its fiduciary duties, 在当时存在的情况下,确定该等提交不符合公司及其股东和其他选民的最佳利益.

未经股东投票通过股东权利方案的, 董事会须, within 12 months following its adoption, 要么将股东权利计划提交股东投票表决,要么赎回股东权利计划或使其到期.


第十九. 有关董事在无竞争选举中未能获得过半数选票的董事选举程序 

With respect to the uncontested election of directors at shareholder meetings, 现任董事未获得过半数投票支持时,必须立即提出辞职, 新提名的董事如果获得的支持少于多数,将被视为自动辞职, subject to the procedures and further details set forth in the Bylaws.


XX. Independent Lead Director 

董事会设一名独立董事,由董事会独立董事指定为独立首席董事. Unless the Board determines otherwise, 独立首席董事还应担任提名和公司治理委员会主席. The Independent Lead Director has the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Presiding at all meetings of the Board in the Chairman of the Board’s absence;
  • Presiding at all executive sessions of the Board's independent directors; 
  • 担任董事会主席与董事会独立董事之间的联络人;
  • 向董事会主席提供意见,并批准董事会及其委员会的议程和会议时间表;
  • Advising the Chairman of the Board as to the quality, 独立董事有效地、负责任地履行职责所必需的来自高级管理层信息流动的数量和及时性, 包括在适当情况下,特别要求高级管理层在提供给董事会的材料中加入某些信息;
  • Calling executive sessions of the Board's independent directors when appropriate;
  • 就其他董事关心的问题与首席执行官进行协商;
  • 就高级管理人员关心的问题与高级管理人员进行协商;
  • 在适当的时候可以与股东和其他利益相关方进行磋商和直接沟通;
  • 面试董事候选人,并向提名和公司治理委员会及董事会提出建议;
  • Leading the Board's evaluation of the Chairman of the Board; and 
  • Serving a leading role in the Board's annual self-assessment.
